Congratulations Lenneke de Voogd on your appointment as a BTG board member!
Operating from Do IoT Fieldlab, Lenneke has been interacting with BTG for several years. “I perceive high added value in BTG’s role in the ICT and telecom sector, as a bridging agent between companies, government and knowledge institutions. As a board member, I want to help strengthen this position by setting up a knowledge platform that fosters and connects young talent with BTG members.”
“As a board member, I want to contribute to strengthening this position by setting up a knowledge platform. I believe it is important to invest in education so that we can properly prepare the current ánd the new generation of professionals for the future. We can help our members become ready for new technologies with practical, certified training courses.”
In Lenneke’s belief, cooperation is essential, especially now that we are on the eve of profound changes. ‘I believe that 6G combined with AI and robotisation will have a transformative impact. Our way of working, learning, communicating and caring for each other is going to change fundamentally. These technologies are going to lay the foundation for a world where physical and digital boundaries blend. This is not only a technological step forward, but also a catalyst for economic and social progress.’
Read the entire interview (Dutch only)

Assisting our members with practical, certified trainings