Unlocking 5G event

On 11 November the 5G test facilities of Do IoT Fieldlab will be launched. These facilities at The Green Village, Unmanned Valley and the Mobile Setup will unlock the potential for 5G-enabled product testing and innovative research. On this occasion we invite our partners, business relations, entrepreneurs, and scientists to celebrate this special moment with us as we activate the facilities and vitalize the platform of collaboration.

Get inspired, connected, and acquainted with ground-breaking technology
The day’s chairman Danny Frietman will kick off the event at The Green Village. On this new test location, he will guide you into the world of network technology, data, speed, and digitalisation.

Discover the possibilities
Testing with 5G will accelerate innovations; this will impact our society in various ways. During the mini-symposium, the occurring exciting business opportunities will be the topic of the panel discussion with representatives of KPN, T-mobile, VodafoneZiggo and Do IoT Fieldlab experts. During the table sessions, we will explore the 5G possibilities in various fields.

Join the tour on The Green Village
Do the 5G innovations come across as abstract to you? Join the tour on The Green Village Fieldlab for sustainable innovation. Here, you can discover the possibilities for 5G innovation in practice.

Explore demonstrations of Do IoT related projects
Walk around at the information market during the network drinks and watch the exciting demonstrations of companies and scientists working with the newest technologies.


12:00  Start | Welcome


12:30  Opening Lenneke Voogd (Programme Manager Do IoT Fieldlab), Marjan Kreijns (Director The Green Village) and chairman of the day Danny Frietman (BTG)
12:45  Keynote: Fernando Kuipers (Scientific Director of Do IoT Fieldlab)
13:00  Presentation: Trendwatcher Jarno Duursma on Future Forward
13:45  Panel discussion with Kim Larsen (T-Mobile, Jacob Groote (KPN), Marcel Kool (VodafoneZiggo), Fernando Kuipers en Bask Piek (MCS)

14:05  Introduction table sessions
14:10  With drinks to the table sessions

14:15  Table session | Innovation round 1
14:45  Table session | Innovation round 2


15:15  Join the tour on the field lab for sustainable innovation


15:45  Break
16:00  Welcome back by the day’s chairman
16:05  In conversation with Geert-Jan Houben (Pro Vice Rector Magnificus Artificial Intelligence, Data and Digitalisation TU Delft), Bas Vollebregt (Wethouder Gemeente Delft) and Gerard Mostert (Wethouder Gemeente Katwijk)
16:20  Launch of the new facilities, a moment of celebration
16:30  Wrap-up by Danny Frietman

Drinks & Networking

16:35  Demonstrations by companies, startups and students
16:35  Community Drinks, Networking and entertainment